What is Particle Physics?
Seminar: What is Particle Physics?
Friday, September 13, 2024- 12:30 pm in INN/HSH 173
Jeff Forshaw
Professor of Physics, University of Manchester UK
Starting with some simple ideas in quantum mechanics, we will explore the foundations of particle physics. What is a particle even? And how do particle physicists go about computing things? We’ll get to explore Feynman rules and the remarkable Higgs mechanism before concluding with a survey of the current big questions in particle physics.
Jeff Forshaw is professor of particle physics at the University of Manchester. He is the author of over 100 scientific publications and four popular science books, written together with Professor Brian Cox. The most recent of these, published in 2022, is Black Holes, the Key to Understanding the Universe. He won the 1999 Maxwell Medal for contributions to theoretical physics and the 2013 Kelvin Medal for contributions to the public understanding of science.
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