Course Offerings

The courses offered within the Department of Physics can be viewed on the course catalogue page, linked from the Registrar's Office webpage and from within Acadia Self-Service.

If you need to take a first year physics course/introductory physics course for your current program or for entry into a future program, here is some guidance to help you choose:

PHYS 1053 and PHYS 1063- General Physics 1 and 2- Normally taken by life sciences students, kinesiology students, geology and environmental science students, chemistry (2nd major) students, and others needing a physics course.  These courses use high school level mathematics (some geometry and algebra) and is good preparation for writing the MCAT and other similar assessments.  No prior physics knowledge is assumed or required.

PHYS 1013 and PHYS 1023- Introductory Physics 1 and 2- Normally taken by engineering, physics, and chemistry (first major) students.  These courses use calculus and also high school level mathematics.  Previous physics courses at the high school level is recommended.

PHYS 1563- Physics and the Environment- Normally taken by environmental science students.  This course uses high school level mathematics (some geometry and algebra).  No prior physics knowledge is assumed or required.  This course is normally offered every second academic year.

If you have any questions about your course selections or program progress, please consult the Academic Calendar and reach out your faculty academic advisor.