Employment in the Department of Physics
Our Department offers exciting paid research opportunities for students in both fundamental and applied physics. Recent research projects include the theoretical modelling of particle collisions at the Large Hadron Collider, the preparation and characterization of novel materials, the study of binary stars, and the development of microscopy and imaging techniques for applications such as reading faded historical documents. During summer research, students develop a deeper skills in coding and computer programming, instrument design, data analysis, science communication, and scientific writing. Particle theory students also have the opportunity to interact with students from Mount Allison University and the Grenfell campus of Memorial University, extending their scientific and social experience beyond the Acadia campus. These research positions are remunerated by internal and external funding. If you are interested in summer research opportunities, please contact the faculty member leading the research you are interested in. They will give you more information about available opportunities and options for funding.
In addition, teaching assistantships are a great way to contribute to the learning environment of the department. Being a TA gives you valuable teaching and work experience, provides you with some extra income, and allows you to interact with other undergraduate students while sharing your knowledge and interest in Physics and Astronomy. There are positions available in lab and assignment grading, lab teaching assistance, astronomy help, and tutoring in the Physics Help Centre. If you are interested in a teaching assistantship, contact Anna Kiefte or fill out the TA application form and submit it directly. Most positions are filled in the summertime for the upcoming school year, but applications will be considered on an ongoing basis if positions become available.

Student Nick Mailman working with a transmission electron microscope during a summer research position.